Enclosed: insecurity, uncertainty, perceptive thought and pretty objects.

Friday 28 March 2008

The Pixies

Talking fairly recently about the Pixies with 2 fellow Pixies fans, dear Matt and Gilly (currently in the process of moving house), I started thinking about how much I could remember of when I saw the Pixies in 2004 at T In The Park, because to me it was a pretty significant event, as I was watching one of my all time favourite bands, that I had wanted to see since I had first experienced the Pixies, which, granted was only 3 years prior to actually getting the chance to see them. However, 4 years on from that and my love for them has never waned. In fact it may have grown after seeing Frank Black and now seeing the Breeders in 2 weeks time. So, back to the point. It appears I wrote an account of seeing the Pixies in my dear old and neglected Livejournal, and so I thought I'd post a brief note from it...

Then Kings of Leon appeared and they were better than they were last time I saw them. I also have a new found respect for them as they kept talking about the Pixies and played the opening of Gigantic to the cheers of about 30 people (ME!)....then.......the PIXIES!! *squeals* I spent 10 minutes of their set in tears. I couldn't believe I was standing there looking up at my all time favourite band whom I'd never imagined I'd witness at a live performance in the SECOND FUCKING ROW! They came on stage, all in black trousers and white shirts, and launched straight into Planet Of Sound. For the next hour they played one long song, stopping twice for Kim to say "Thanks, thanks a lot!" The songs they played in their set were:

Bone Machine, Broken Face, Something Againt You, Debaser, Tame, Caribou, In Heaven, Monkey Gone To Heaven, Gigantic, HEY, Dead, Number 13 Baby, Wave of Mutilation, Here Comes You Man, Velouria, Isla De Encanta, U-Mass, Nimrod's Son and Vamos

They closed with Vamos in a highly amusing fashion, with Joey leaving his guitar on the stand, just playing with the effects pedal. And at the end they all stood on the stage together and waved and I cried again. It was amazing. The nice Irish lady next to me kept telling me about when she'd last seen them 12 years ago, or so. Wow.....

Bless. Isn't that sweet? How excited I was. It's sad to think I rarely get that excited about anything that much these days. Years of mind numbing academia and growing up into a fairly stressed busy adult has ensured that... However, that's about to change. It is seemingly obvious that although I am coping exceptionally well with everything that's going on in my life, particularly my Dad's death, I'm not really looking after myself. I overly worry about things I can't control and should let be. I put increased importance on unnecessary issues. So, with that all in mind, I'm going to undertake some things which will make my life better. This includes...
  • doing more creative stuff with my spare time,
  • making sure I spend quality time with friends and family,
  • getting a medical check up,
  • exercise and eat sensibly.
This has all become quite involved for a Friday afternoon, but following on from this positive post I've made, here is a positive photo to complete it. I look happy and relaxed and I want to look like that more.


Gilly said...

Yay, Pixies! When we saw them they played Where is my Mind and it was raining and it was the perfect moment.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, this is all very upbeat! I approve! I think that list is an excellent way to keep you motivated.

Also, The Pixies fucking ruled that day.