Enclosed: insecurity, uncertainty, perceptive thought and pretty objects.

Thursday 13 March 2008

My Blog looks like Philippe's!

Hello! And welcome to my blog. I got very excited that I could choose a layout that looks like Philippe's from Achewood! Look! http://philippesblog.blogspot.com/

So I decided maybe having my own blog would be fun. I'm not too fussed whether people comment, but I guess it's a lazy way of letting people know what I'm up to as I become ever so increasingly busy with this MA doodah and the assignments associated with it, work experience, full time employment, learning to drive, holidays, making new friends, keeping in touch with old(er) friends, the restaurant... What else? My burgeoning desire to knit, draw, craft in anyway possible but currently can't, and my desire to cook inventive, exciting food, and along the way become an exclusive cocktail obsessive/borderline alcoholic. I'm sure Matt's interest can help me along the way with that one...

Now, my very exciting evening entails preparing a draft abstract for my dissertation, knitting a pencil case(!), eating some stew and mayhaps a burst of the Pixies on the stereo and standard hilarious dancing when nobody's watching. I demand for every one of you reading this to add it to your favourite websites and read it regular-like, because I guarantee it will stay updated... At least for the first 2 weeks...

Say whaaaaaat?!


Ben Rainbird said...


Welcome to the sexy, horrible world of blogs Claudia.

Gilly said...
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Gilly said...

I shall read this everyday.

I had a blog once!

Anonymous said...

I will try and remember ... =/

You know what I'm like though!
