Enclosed: insecurity, uncertainty, perceptive thought and pretty objects.

Tuesday 16 March 2010


So, Ben and I took a mini trip to Edinburgh and we saw some lovely things. I have been to Edinburgh before but never really appreciated how beautiful it is, and what an impressive history!
What we noticed, and liked so much, was how vertiginous parts of the city is. The street in the photo above led to George VI Bridge, which had an abundance of good places to eat, and The Royal Mile, which was as marvellous as everyone says it is. I'd love to visit in festival time.
Anyway, similar to my experiences in San Francisco, it was a city that I could really see myself living in - their approach to food, drink and arts really sat well with me. Edinburgh has an amazing cafe culture, with countless independent cafes in and around the city that turn into great bars in the evening. I yearn for these things in Birmingham - great unique shops and cafe bars. We do have some excellent pubs and some innovative people in the city that want to make some exciting things happen, but everything's just pretty generic...
Of course, what helped was an excellent knitting store - K1 Yarns stocks some amazing gorgeous yarns, looks beautiful and they have freshly baked brownies for you to sample! Although tempted by a sock package, I was very restrained and bought some yarn to make some fingerless gloves... perfect timing now it's Spring!


Jessica said...


Jessica said...
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billygean.co.uk said...

Looks lovely :o)